Sunday 24 August 2014

Distributed communication platforms

This is the start of the world famous Freedom-ISIS

Why am I excited? My thoughts, while being modified and influenced by you are now being delivered directly to you, no middleman, no gatekeeper and no censorship. If you want to know something, Tweet me. If I want to tell you I've been somewhere I will tag myself in. If I don't want to broadcast then I will email you. If you don't understand then call me, if I'm busy then send me a text. Actually whatsapp would be better as I don't have money for SMS. We are unstoppable.

Why am I excited? I didn't know how to create biofuel, I didn't know what bitcoin was, I didn't know how to create or maintain paper wallets, I didn't know the power of horizontal communication. I do now, I learnt it all from people, just like you. Everybody knows something, Everybody know everything.......missing ess was not a typo. Collectively we can teach each other everything or anything we want to learn at any time, The hard part is learning how to learn from others, but thats another chapter.

Why am I excited? I have a newsfeed, currently filled with icebucket challenges. Together its something we're all doing, aswell as being annoyed at Israels aggression and disillusioned with our government. The amount of group connection we have makes me happy, even when it makes us sad. My news feed has a gatekeeper called Facebook, They are trying to profit from our connection, they will die out. Diaspora is coming, I've already joined when we get there, we will make our own rules.

You want to know a secret? I have a business Idea which will make anyone rich beyond their wildest dreams. This is it......To decrypt following message use

Why am I excited? feel free to ask me. Are you excited? feel freee to tell me.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

My First County Court Victory

I wont keep you too long!

The local 'Authority' tried to fine me for being parked on double yellow lines, they offered me a discount on their illegitimate fine, I declined. They offered me the chance to appeal through their so-called independent tribunal, I declined. They threatened to 'Enforce' the so-called debt, I told them I will see them in court.

I didn't see them in court. I wrote a letter instead. I charged them for having to reply to their horrible demands and threatening letters, they declined to pay, I threatened that I would take them to court in the same way that they took me to court, I was bluffing. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Court looked at the evidence and ruled in my favour.


excuse my spanish, I get over excited sometimes.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Life in the fast lane

I've not blogged for a while,

I will blog more, but it will be in this shorter format,

I now have a raspberry Pi, I think it's great,

It allows me to watch loads of movies on my telly-box,

I can play classic games on it too, like Mario Kart and Streetfighter,

I have created a website for Cryptosi, My crypto currency company,

I will upload it today and start giving out the Webaddress to people lucky enough to know me.

I saw my grandmother yesterday, She is getting very old,

I was thinking about when she used to look after me when I was a child

I was not upset that she could not remember my name, because she could remember my face

I am going to make a line of t-shirts with my sister, She is getting good at making stuff.

I will use Spectra in the t-shirts because Vinay Gupta recommended it and he is V.clever!

I really HATE money now

I love you all

You have read this all by yourself without any help

WELL DONE, We are very proud of you, and us.


Thursday 20 February 2014

Complaining about stuff to the letting agents

Yes I have plenty of time to write silly letters and emails, here's one I found particularly amusing this morning.


I'm writing from Deelicious Shoes, we are one of your clients based in Clair Court. Further to a telephone conversation and various other conversations with yourselves I am writing once again to complain about the poor state that Clair Court has fallen into.

There are various problems which I have photographed and to be fair some of them may be the fault of other residents in the court. However the majority of the problems should have been dealt with months ago.

I am very disappointed to be spending precious time having to frequently and repeatedly ask that the pidgeons are dealt with. Initially I was fobbed off with the story that we were getting a national 'EXPERT' in to deal with these rodents, which beyond being unsightly, are also a very serious health biohazard, especially when they excrement everywhere and it's allowed to settle to the point where it changes the colour of the paving slabs. It is not the councils problem, it is YOUR problem. As this is private property it's not down to anyone to sort out any of the problems except for yourselves and the landlord.

The drainage is awful and while I appreciate it cannot be easily fixed, at least if there wasn't bird droppings blocking it up then the puddles would be less of a disgusting phenomenon. Which is constantly turning our customers away before they even walk into the courtyard.

The final insult is the invoice which you guys have sent us, which aswell as charges full price for this undermaintained property it also goes so far as to attempt to collect a maintenance fee for a person who alledgedly comes to clean the courtyard once per month. I do not live here, so perhaps he or she comes here while I'm tucked up happily in my birdpoo free bed, but I seriously doubt anyone has done anything here for months, and I'm most certainly not paying for the privelidge of working in a court where I have a very real chance of catching bird-flu, buponic plague and the LURGIES all at once!

This morning the courtyard was littered with little polystyrene bits of rubbish, I have no idea who dropped them everywhere, but I can gaurentee that they will remain here until I decide to clean them up and this is just not good enough, the bins have not been emptied all year and I'm pretty sure I've noticed the postman holding his nose while he attempts to deliver peoples mail here. And we're expected to conduct business with real live human beings under these conditions?

Please note at this point I am still taking this all with a very large dose of 'relax', although it has been months and absolutely nothing has been done, the bin area still has no lock. However the amount of business I lose daily from your incompetence will become a very important factor when you inevitibly decide you would like to collect some rent.

Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings, I must apologise for my telephone manner, bad spelling and grammar but hopefully you can understand the urgency and importance of the points I'm raising and get something done about it. I'm sure you don't want me writing even more letters and making even more calls.

Please find pictures attached  (ive not bothered to attach the pictures)

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Use it or lose it

This morning I was greeted with thoughts of how empty the high street has become.

I've not blogged on here for some months, mostly because I have been very busy filling my mind up with liberterian nonsense, This alone is not really a problem, but also not really productive. I have come to the conclusion however that there is no EVIL ELITE, there are no men in suits trying to make people suffer. What there is, is a series of systems, pulling the strings with human emotion and individuality.

Just like slavery, the answer and the cure will not come from mankind's good nature, we are a frightened and easily controlled beast, weak of mind, socially fragile and immensely short sighted. The industrial revolution ended slavery because a new system made the old obsolete, so it follows that only a new system will make this current corrupt system obsolete, what we're really working towards is lower property prices, but that can only be a reality if the people who have more are compelled to release their property for others to use at a rate which allows enterprise to thrive.

So the general idea is to make the most of horizontal communication methods, namely the internet, but there remains room for proof of work and other technologies to make this idea more secure. I reckon that if people with property rented it out to small business or charity then the economy would flourish because of it, and creativity would be heightened as taking risks would not be soooo costly. Perhaps with a website which highlighted empty property along with length of time it was empty and the asking price and the landlords name, then the landlord would be free to reduce the price every month until someone took on the property thus leaving it empty for shorter periods of time and allowing more jobs to be created. There is nothing really in it for the landlord except the adoration of his/her peers, and a sliding scale of personal possesions should be highlighted, not to name and shame, but to give landlords with social conciences a place to prosper. Who owns property is already public knowledge so it wouldn't be an infringement on privacy and if the property is owned by a company then the same can be said, and the directors information is also public knowledge.

Something like this would not be too hard to set up and could be implemented on a local level first and tested out, of course it does not need central governement legislation as the entire scheme is voluntary, landlords can opt out, and it will be free to opt in, with expenses coming from a small also voluntary donation made from local council and the landlords and tennants, or as a part of whichever company takes the properties profits.

I have been told that something like this was tried with compulsory purchase orders, but this is a little different it may push down property prices, but it will probably have the opposite effect as the high street will begin to flourish again. I will invest a few days into writing up a suitable plan of action and I will take this to local council, local MP and a few software and web designers to see what they think to the idea.

Wish me luck

Thursday 5 December 2013

Bitcoin and what it really means

Right I'm about to break down Bitcoin for you all in the simplest and easiest way I possibly can. Those of you who read my blog regularly will understand that I often write as I talk, so don't expect this to be punctuation heavy or grammatically correct, I t will also be littered with spellig mistakes but thats irrelevant as long as you understand or at least begin to understand what the big who-har about bitcoin is. In my humble opinion anyway. This is going to be quite a long post so I suggest you sit down and get comfortable.

Right so my story starts with my 2012, I spent A LOT of time with some very very smart people, most of them criminally minded, by that I mean they are prepared to avoid the rules for their own benefit, or at the very least to keep a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. During this time I learnt about a great many things but most of all I learnt about money, and economics in particular. I am not an expert by any means, but I now understand the basics and what I learnt has really changed my life. Currently people have money and obviously the more money that comes into existence then the higher the price of things. There is a static amout of things and a growing amount of money so more money has to chase each thing, this seems to be a readily accepted economic phenomenon called inflation, we all see it every day. prices generally go up. Why is this? this means that whoever is controlling the supply of money is controlling the price of everything, in a loose sense. (very loose sense).

Anyway enough about money, on to the dark web. The dark web is a brilliant service which allows 1 thing, freedom. Freedom to look at innappropriate images of children, freedom to buy and sell drugs, and freedom to leak secrets about government and big business. Now the freedom is not really in the act, the freedom is in the getting caught. the dark web makes it very very difficult for anything you do online while instantly connected to anyone else in the world (barring a few countries) to be tracked by authorities. Is this a good thing? That's not a question I feel I can honestly answer yet. Control of the masses can be a good thing, how you gain control and what you then do with that control is the main point of question. Today is the 5th of Dec 2013, and The most well known criminal website, which I believe may become the catalyst for the best thing ever to happen to the 3rd world and world health since.....ever, has just resurfaced. Exactly why I believe a drug dealing website will be a big part of a brighter future I will get to later on. For now it's important to know that the website is basically an ebay for all things illegal, it was shut down by U.S.A FBI some months ago which sent the bitcoin price to around $100 momentarily. They seized the site, and put up their image of 'this site has been taken down', they arrested the guy they claim was the guy behind it, however being that he lived in america i'm convinced they have the wrong guy, and then they moved on with their lives. Quite why they focus on drugs when there are child abuse practicioners to be grabbed is a question you will have to ask them, perhaps drug use is more important than child abuse? perhaps they just got a break on the silk road case? I shouldn't speculate at this point. The main point I'm making is that silk road is back now and even if they do take it down again, or even if this is a fake silk road the idea lives so a marketplace for things on the black market is an easily realisable dream and accessible by most of the world all at once, no duty taxes, no regulations, just a simple you want it, you buy it. What you would call a free market perhaps?

Right so that's the dark web sown up, I think i missed out too much technical info actually, so feel free to youtube it or google it.

The next piece of the puzzle is Bitcoin, I have a small amount of bitcoin so I must admit that perhaps I'm biased, I will try to stick to fact and point out when something is merely opinion. Anyway, Bitcoin is a currency, which is just a way to store value, example: I do a job for A but want to buy food from B, then A gives me a bitcoin, which B accepts because B wishes to buy goods from A. This is the basic cycle of money [FACT]. It only has value as long as everyone agrees. Where traditional money has gone wrong is that money is now minted which means the amount of money in circulation can be increased. This is always a bad thing [OPINION],  because it means that my work for A now has slightly less value than it did before the government decided to add more money to the pot. It's a form of dilution. It's the reason why in my home country, England, People can work all their lives doing jobs that would of earned them a good living before and nowadays by the time they retire they will not even own a place to live. A simple thing like a roof over their heads is not possible because house prices are in such a bubble due to easily obtained credit that the interest payments alone add up to half of some peoples salary. Bitcoin can do away with that because there is a limited supply, so NOBODY can create more, it's mathamatically impossible, of course credit can still be created and money can still be printed from thin air, but bitcoins cannot. This although it's only a small change, it makes a HUGE difference to the way we can now use money. For example bank A can now give you a loan of X by giving you the actual BITCOIN amount or the amount in DILUTABLE FIAT currency, either dollars or yen or euros or pounds, whateva fallacy you desire. So basically it gives economic control back to the marketplace (not quite a free marketplace)

Next The market place, anywhere that you can buy and sell stuff with other people is what i'm calling the marketplace, be it a chemist, a butchers, or whateva, and buy sell stuff I also include selling your personal skills and time (having a job). Now as I learnt in 2012 the so-called free market has a slight problem, Patents, Patents mean that if I done something first then you are not allowed to do it second without paying me, in some form or another. This is a HUGE problem [OPINION] because it allows organisations big or small to control humanity's movement. for example a company could find a cure for the common cold and then patent it, meaning that no-one can manufacture that cure, meaning that unless you can afford to pay the patent holding company what they want then you had better prepares the tissues and lempsip. This pushes a lot of power into the hands of a few.

There are a few other factors that need to be addressed such as scarcity and criminality, but this is a blog post and not a book, plus I need to get out of bed now so i've gotta wrap it up early!! :(

Here's the scary part. Now that we know that we have a way of not only ignoring international law but also have a market in which to trade non-legal goods, what's to stop people and entire nations (not governments) from using this everyday to get the essentials that they need? without government intervention what's to stop the doctors in Sweden making patented drugs secretly and then selling them on mass to countries like Iran where people can't get such medicine? or whats to stop doctors in sweden secretly making drugs and selling them to people in london, where they cost an arm and a leg? the answer is absolutely nothing[FACT]. So it will be easier to get illicit drugs like cocaine and heroin, but so bloody what! If you have the desire to get those things then you will get them anyway, the problem is not that you got them, the problem is that you wanted them, thats what needs to be addressed. What's to stop some arsehole leaking videos of how perform surgery or sharing entire fountains of knowledge on renewable energy creation? NOTHING. And why would people ever do something so noble? It only takes a few radicals to upload how to make certain drugs, once the information is there and nobody cares about infringing some other guys patent then its a free for all. And who's going to stop this? The FBI? The media? The government? The illuminati? The mighty morphin power rangers? NOBODY! It's too late, people know too much and can share information too quickly, the veil of deception is being lifted.

Remember It's not that the price of bitcoin is going up, It never was going up, It cannot go up, ever, it's that the price of the dollar and other fiat currencies is going down! they can go down.

So if you want to store value, then buy gold, if you want to store value that you can use easily in the future then buy Bitcoin, or I should really say ACCEPT Bitcoin.

Saturday 5 October 2013

Am I missing something

Am I missing something?

Saturday morning......(just about).....After my first marathon session on GTA V, I've woken up full of zest for life. Anyway before I digress, today's blog has a economic/political/social theme (don't they all?), and is more of a question than anything else.

Let me first disclaim that Orwell would of had me down as a Prole, so my reasoning may be slightly biased. Before I digress, Money worries is the topic of this post, in particular, the money worries of central government. My question is based on this statement, whether it's true or not, 'The country is struggling because we are spending more than we are bringing in through revenue (taxes, licensing etc)'- though quite what the etc would be is beyond me and probably minuscule.

My question is, why are benefits seen as a cost? Out of all the social classes, those receiving benefits are most likely to be those who are circulating the cash, quickly and into local business, what's wrong with that? Of course we hear of big corporations dodging taxes and paying very little, (as is their legal right) but what's so bad about that?

I think it's quite simple, you need to collect more from the companies who are making profits and divide it among the general populous, not just handouts, but healthcare, education, local services. Afterall these companies only collected the money from regular people in the first place. But all this seems soooooo obvious to me? If the pseudo-monolith of government can't get the balance right then perhaps they need to be replaced? (another blog post altogether).

In conclusion, taxes redistributed as benefits, should be re-branded social earnings. and not costs, as they don't really cost us anything. infact they just add to the cashflow in diverse demographics, allowing room for business to grow, technology to develop and people to be generally slightly less terrified of the guaranteed debt they will live under all of their lives.

.......Well that was a long and pretty pointless blog post, thanks for reading.